Wednesday, June 2, 2010

The Route 66 Road Trip With New Blood

What could be a better experience for a young man after his first year in college?

To get his "Kicks on Route 66".

I have to admit my nephew did not seem all that hyped up for this trip but believe it or not we are leaving a month before what we had previously planned.

We had two side trips that seemed to be an inconvenience in relation to our original plans and itinerary.

We have decided to save N.C. and NYC for last which fits in perfect for our way home.

If we are killing each other on the way back we can leave out NYC but N.C. is a relative related must do.

We'll be in Chicago on the 12th hoping to get a shot at the "End of Route 66" sign and a redo of the "Begin Route 66" sing hoping it will be without a decoration around or a better shot at the Sears Tower as a back drop.

I'll be taking the "EZ66 ROUTE 66 GUIDE" by Jerry McClanahan for some guidance along with my vast experience we should have a great Road trip.

The  "EZ66 ROUTE 66 GUIDE" is worth twice what I paid for it according to which I have no idea how to link to it being an Associate so pardon me for not leaving a link.

There is stuff happening in June along Route 66 and we'll be participating.



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